We are a church focused on creating and growing disciples.

So, we have created a time in our service every other week that we specifically and intentionally speak about discipleship with our congregation. -This time is led by lay leaders or congregants who share about life as disciples.

Topics may include:
Who is a disciple, what is a disciple, how do disciples live, why discipleship is important, when are we Disciples, why are we disciples, life experiences, Scripture or any opportunity to teach on the topic of discipleship.

Disciples are lifelong students and teachers who follow Christ. We think this should be emphasized in our church and created this specific time for just that reason.


SYMBIS stands for Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts. It is a premarital counseling program that is designed to help couples prepare for a successful marriage. SYMBIS is based on the research of Dr. Les Parrot and his wife, Leslie.

The SYMBIS program is based on the following principles:

Personality: SYMBIS helps couples to understand their own personality types and the personality types of their partners. This understanding can help couples to communicate better and to resolve conflicts more effectively.

Family background: SYMBIS also helps couples to understand their family backgrounds and how these backgrounds may impact their marriage. This understanding can help couples to avoid repeating the mistakes of their parents and to build a strong foundation for their own marriage.

Communication: SYMBIS teaches couples how to communicate effectively with each other. This includes learning how to listen to each other, how to express their needs and feelings in a healthy way, and how to resolve conflicts in a constructive manner.

Commitment: SYMBIS helps couples to develop a strong commitment to their marriage. This includes learning how to forgive each other, how to work through challenges together, and how to build a life together that is based on love, respect, and trust.

The SYMBIS program is typically delivered in a series of six to eight sessions. During these sessions, couples will work with a trained SYMBIS facilitator to learn about the different aspects of the program and to apply what they are learning to their own relationship. SYMBIS is a popular premarital counseling program because it is based on sound research and because it is effective in helping couples to prepare for a successful marriage. If you are engaged or thinking about getting married, I encourage you to consider using the SYMBIS program. It can be a valuable investment in your future.